

Gawain's Wild Windy Lady

Chica is born in Denmark in Februar 1997. She is an 18 3/4 inch. black/white bitch. She was eyetested as a puppy and again as an adult several times latest in November 2004 - clear. She is hipscored with A2 - A2 which is clear. She is also elbowscored: 0 - 0 which also is clear. "Chica " is very competitive in the showring, she is a Danish Champion, and has won Best of breed + both National and International Challenge Certificates. In 1998 she where Danish Top bitch no. 3 i 1998, and she was awarded this from only 2 shows. Beside her winning in the showring, she is trained in Obedience and agility, and being a very active and pleasing Border Collie, she is also doing well in those fields. In 1999 she passed CD and CDX with very high scores.
Among Chica's offspring their is severals Show, Obedience, Agility and Jumpers Champions, Obedience
titled dogs and an International Champion daughter (Tirra) and a Best In Show Winning daughter (Dalie), and now also a Nordic Winner 2004 and a Nordic Junior Winner 2004. Chica is now retired. But we couldn't ask for more - she has been a fantastic foundation bitch for Gawain.

In addition she has produced a Best In Show winner from her first litter, and is the mother of amazing 20 Champions :
1 International Champion, 5 Danish Champions, 1 German Champion, 3 Danish Obedience Champions, 1 Danish Rally Obedience Champion, 1 International Agility Champion, 1 Danish Agility Champion,1 Swedish Agility Champion, 1 Danish Jumpers Champion, 1 Swedish Jumpers Champion, 3 Danish Club Breed Champions, 1 German Club Breed Champion, 1 Nordic Winner 2004 and a Nordic Junior Winner 2004 so far. She is also the mother of the Top Bitch 2007.

Chica passed away 14.06.2010

Pedigree - More pictures

Chica is DNA tested clear (normal) of CEA/CH.
Chica is DNA tested clear (normal) of TNS.
Chica is DNA tested clear (normal) of CL/Storage Disease.
Chica is DNA tested clear (Normal) for the MDR1 defekt - Genotyp N/N (+/+)