

Waveney Caught In Time


Ryan is born in Australia on the 31st of May 2005, and he arrived in Denmark in 2007 - 2 years old. He is a well winning 20 1/2 inch black/white male, with a fantastic temperament and his health is second to none: Australian hipscore 2-1, which is transfered into the FCI scale as A - A. He is geneticly clear of TNS, CEA and CL, by tests on him or by parentage. He is also eyetested as a puppy - clear.

Ryan has really made his presence felt in the show ring in Europe as a BEST IN SHOW boy.
At shows he has won : International Champion, Danish Champion, German Champion, Danish Breed Winner 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010, Copenhagen Winner 2007 and 2009, Jubilee Winner 2007, Leipzig Sieger 2008 , he has won loads of Challenges, CACIB's (International Challenge), 24 x Best Of Breed, Best In Group 3 times and 5 times Runner Up in Group - all at very big shows.

Ryan is the sire of many Champions in different countries (incl. 4 International Champions), 5 Danish Obedience Champions, 1 Elite Obedience Champion, 3 Danish Rally Champions, 1 Danish Rally Super Champion, 1 Swedish Tracking Champion, a Junior World Winner 2009, minimum 9 Junior Champions, The Rally Champion National winner 2018 ,All Breed Top Dog Rally Champion 2018, the Rally Champion top dog 2013 and 2016, the Danish Top Baby 2008 + 2011, the Danish Top Puppy 2010 + 2012, the Danish Top Bitch 2012 + 2013, the Danish Top Border Collie 2013, Danish Kennel Club Breed Winner 2013, Danish Top Dog 3rd in Rally Champion 2017, and the silver medalist Rally Champion Nationals 2016, plus a Club winner.

Frozen seemen available.

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Born 31.05.2005 - died 08.07.2016

His hips is A - A on the FCI scale and 1 - 2 on the Australian scale. His elbows are 0 - 0.

Ryan is DNA tested clear (free) of TNS.
Ryan is geneticly clear (free) of CL/Storage Disease (from parents)
Ryan is DNA tested clear of CEA/CH.
Ryan is DNA tested clear (free) for the MDR1 defekt - Genotyp N/N (+/+).
Ryan is Glaucoma clear/unaffected (Gonioscopy).
Ryan is eyetested clear, lastest 27.10.2011 - and is also eyetested clear as a puppy.